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Experience Traditions, Try Out Crafts and Breathe in the Mountain Air in Appenzell – That Was the FROX Team Event 2023


Our team event in Appenzell was simply fantastic! In beautiful late summer weather, we experienced an unforgettable weekend that brought us closer to the traditions and beauty of this region.

Das FROX Team-Event 2023 in Appenzell war ein erlebnisreiches Wochenende und eine tolle Zeit mit grossartigen Teammitgliedern.
The FROX team event 2023 in Appenzell was an eventful weekend and a great time with great team members.


On the very first day, we plunged into the world of the Appenzellers by trying out yodelling and swinging a thaler. It was a bit of a challenge to hit the notes, but this unique experience will stay with us for a long time.

In Appenzell probierten wir uns im Jodeln und Taler schwingen - ein besonderes Erlebnis, das uns viel Spass gemacht hat.
In Appenzell we tried our hand at yodelling and thaler swinging – a special experience that was great fun.


On the second day, we immersed ourselves in local craftsmanship. In the guild house of Appenzell we learned that the pewter foundry has much more to offer than pewter soldiers and pewter cups. Afterwards we were allowed to create our own pewter fondue forks.

Im Zunfthaus zu Appenzell durften wir unsere eigenen Fonduegabeln giessen. Echte Unikate für den nächsten Fondue-Plausch!
In the guild house of Appenzell we were allowed to create our own fondue forks. Genuinely unique pieces for the next fondue party!


There was also a lot to marvel at during a visit to the butcher. The insight into the sausage craft was exciting and the own Appenzeller Siedwurst very delicious.

In der Metzgerei haben wir einen Blick auf das Wursthandwerk geworfen und eigene Siedwürste hergestellt.
In the butcher’s shop we took a look at the sausage trade and made our own Siedwürste (boiled sausages).


We continued on to the Appenzeller Alpenbitter AG, where we were able to look behind the scenes and experience the fascinating world of herbs with all our senses and get closer to the well-kept secret, the original recipe of Appenzeller Alpenbitter with 42 selected herbs.

FROX besucht die Appenzeller Alpenbitter AG und kommt dem Originalrezept des Alpenbitters ein Stück näher.
FROX visited the Appenzeller Alpenbitter AG and got a little closer to the original Alpenbitter recipe.


Our team event also took us to the Ebenalp, where we dared to take to the skies while paragliding and explored the magnificent landscape while hiking over rock and forests. So we enjoyed the adrenaline kick and nature to the fullest at the same time.

Weitsicht beim Wandern und Gleitschirm fliegen auf der Ebenalp am FROX Team-Event.
Far-reaching views while hiking and paragliding on the Ebenalp at the FROX team event.


At the end, we went even higher to the Säntis summit. There we learned exciting facts about the weather mountain during a guided tour and at the same time could look back on a varied weekend. The view from the top was impressive and will remain in our memories for a long time.

Der Säntisgipfel war der krönende Abschluss unserer gemeinsamen Zeit in Appenzell.
The Säntis summit was the crowning glory of our time together in Appenzell.


A big thank you to the entire FROX team for this outstanding weekend. We are already looking forward to the next adventure!

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