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Robotic Process Automation: “THE” Solution for All Your Digitization Problems?


Robotic Process Automation simply explained

Newsroom Robotic Process Automation 15 RPA Benefits FROX AG
Source: AI Multiple, “15 RPA Benefits Compiled from Top Sources [2020 update]”, 2020.

How does RPA work in the first place?

1. Integration in system landscape

2. Security concept

3. On-premises vs. cloud

  • The target applications must be made accessible to the cloud.
  • The critical user accounts for the automations are stored in the cloud and thus tend to be more at risk.

4. Test cycle result check

5. Process changes and responsibility

Newsroom Robotic Process Automation RPA FROX AG
Source: Bernd Rücker, “How to benefit from robotic process automation (RPA)”, 2018.

6. Complex process issues vs. “monkeywork”

7. Quality assurance and analytics in RPA

RPA and BPM: comparison and recommended use

When should RPA tools be used?

  • Strictly rule-based use cases are available
  • Modern, API-based automation is not possible
  • The automations are small and clear (few case distinctions and execution paths)
  • The target systems are relatively stable user interface systems (e.g., legacy systems at the end of their lifecycle)
  • The lifecycle of the target systems is controllable (so that one can react early to new versions and the associated problems), which mostly applies to in-house applications.

In which cases does BPM (with API based interfaces) make sense?

  • When modern interfaces are available
  • In more complex E-to-end processes

When is a collaboration use case recommended?

Our conclusion

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